Background regarding assignment

This assignment did not turn out as I originally planned.  I discovered I had given student far too much latitude in how and where they looked for sources. I offered too much freedom without enough contextual restraints. As a result, student responses frequently utilized highly problematic sources.  However, we spent a good deal of time discussing this assignment as a class following its completion. We focused specially upon research methods and the importance of questioning our sources. This discussion was a highlight of the semester, and as a result, I noticed a not insignificant drop in the use of improper sources on student papers.

An analysis of this assignment formed the third portion of my presentation on Webquests presented at at UW-Madison's Active Teaching Lab.

Click to watch Webquests presentation    |   Click to watch subsequent Q&A


Fascism around the World


Examples of material found by students.


Assignment Introduction

This week we will be doing a project exploring support for Fascism outside of Germany, Italy, and Spain.  For those of you who are to complete the work on Tuesday, you will be finding an example of Fascist support outside of Germany/Italy and discussing it via the discussion post.  For those of you assigned to the Thursday assignment, you will be providing thoughtful commentary and points of discussion of the posts from those who posted on Tuesday.  Please see the assignment instructions below for more information. 



As you will see in the Mazower book reading, there was considerable support for Hitler and his policies from amongst those outside of Germany.  Hitler was perceived by some as smart, if a bit disagreeable. After all, under Nazi economic policy, Germany emerged out of the Great Depression much sooner and more robustly than anyone else. Hitler's architects built the autobahn, and created a vehicle designed for the mass market (the Volkswagen). As you can see, Fascism was about more than rabid racism and anti-Semitism, and for a brief moment National Socialism seemed like a viable alternative to Communism and Capitalism.

Group 1

For those of you who signed up to do the first part of the assignment, I want you to seek and find one example from between 1922 through 1945, of support, admiration, or agreement with German/Italian policies from statesmen, political leaders, or intellectuals from the rest of the world. (Or, as an alternative, look for reasons people--outside Italy, Spain, and Germany-- had for supporting Fascism).  The arguments made in support of Germany/Hitler/Fascism do not necessarily need to be for “rational” economic or political policies, but may include such popular beliefs that “Hitler made Germany great again,” or the joy of German nationals living abroad that Germany had once again rose to world-power status. That choice I leave to you.

After you have selected your topic, write two paragraphs in which you describe your example and explain its significance.

Your examples can come from newspaper or magazine articles, paintings, economic reviews, politicians, or anything else you can imagine.  You may turn to the week's reading (Mazower) for ideas. In addition I have included some example articles, and even some copies of the British Fascist Newspaper Blackshirt to get you started.  I'd encourage you to select a topic, dig deep, see what you can find. Keep in mind the importance of quality academic sources however.  Although it is fine to start at a site such as Wikipedia, you need to find collaborating reliable sources, especially for a topic as debated as Fascism and for an individual as reviled as Hitler.

Your material is due by 11:59 pm Tuesday.


Group 2

"Sifting and winnowing, by which alone the truth can be found." These words are found on a plaque at the entrance of Bascom Hall and represent an unofficial motto of UW-Madison.  In essence, it means that we cannot discover the truth by passively receiving information, we have to judge, "sift and winnow" between competing claims of truth.  This week that is YOUR job.

For this assignment, you will compare the examples of global support for Hitler and/or Fascism provided by other students in the class. You will then pick the entry you think is best, and then in two paragraphs explain why you think that example was most significant or most provocative.  You do not necessarily have to agree with the example you select, but you should think that it was important to later developments in Europe (for example, World War Two, or the creation of the European Union). The best answers will utilize outside support for their arguments

This is due by 11:59 pm Thursday


Group 1 & 2 Bonus!

The Quiz Bonus is BACK! For this week, the student with the best example of (or reason for) support for Fascism and/or Hitler from sources outside Germany/Italy/Spain will receive a bonus to their overall quiz grade. The same applies to the student who does the best job "sifting and winnowing" other student's examples.  Remember, for both groups, argument and sources are important.  The size of the bonus will be based upon the quality of your entries.