Instructional Designer | Teacher | Historian
I am a passionate educator and learning technology consultant with 16 years’ experience delivering hands-on technical demonstrations, translating complex technical capabilities into meaningful educational outcomes, and building impactful training programs. I have a proven track record leading campus-wide technology initiatives, organizing regional conferences and teaching events, and developing strong working partnerships with academic leadership.
I love to teach. As an instructor, I have taught courses in history, religious studies, and pedagogy in Milwaukee, Madison and North Dakota. In all my classes (f2f, blended, or online), I strive to facilitate active student engagement with course content, create clear learning objectives, and foster a classroom environment that encourages students to engage critically with course material. My course design involves rigorous research, iterative design, and a willingness to embrace failure as a learning opportunity.
My work as an instructional designer is born out of my love of teaching. At both Madison and Milwaukee, I have built graduate and faculty training programs, organized conferences, designed online and blended courses, wrote instructional guides, and lead hundreds of workshops and discussions. I also worked one-on-one with faculty from across campus to help them create better educational experiences for their students.
In addition, I am a historian of modern Britain and contemporary Christianity (PhD, UW-Madison - 2018). I specialize in the conflicted relationship between faith and ideas of modernity, organizational communication, as well as religion and immigration in contemporary UK. My dissertation sought to better understand the origin and development of transnational Protestant identity, as well as the tools and methods by which anglophone Protestant and Catholic missionaries related their own faith to the various cultural context of disparate stakeholders: donors, denominational leadership, secular authorities, and potential converts. I am currently working to develop this dissertation into a published manuscript.